Thursday, September 3, 2009

Research Journal Assignment # 3

RJ3a: Where I usually begin researching is with either or From there I type what I'm looking for in the search box, or in this case it typed in my research question, and find myself looking at multiple web pages of information. From there I usually just pick the first one the seems to relate to my topic. Like today, I researched my question and found one good where a city council is no longer going to support political art. So I logged into and saved that bookmark. That is pretty much all I do.

RJ3b: I think I may have to expand my topic. Reason being is that every time I reasearch my topic there is a dead end where the only research there is only fits into a couple of paragraphs. In order to write good research paper expansions is necessary. One solution to this problem would be to come up with a good research question that is broad enough to properly gather research.

RJ3c: Who is against political art?
Why is political art such a big deal?
Who supports political art?
Should polticis stay out of art?
What issues do propaganda and art have with eachother?


  1. Should politics stay out of art? I like this question alot. I do agree with your statement that this question is very broad and that you are going to have to narrow down what you are talking about...from what kind of art to what kind of politics. One example that comes to my mind is graffiti. Continue to brainstorm on expanding your topic and I look forward to seeing what you get.

  2. Your question is really interesting. Like Nick says it is a litlle broad. I have never even thought about politics in art and intrigued by that thought. Great research topic.

  3. I love your topic about political art. You could always narrow your topic concentrating on a specific place (ex. U.S, London, etc.) or highlight the differences between vandalism and politcal art... There is this really amazing graffiti artist named Bansky (he does a lot of political graffiti as well as comical graffiti using an unique method)... you should check him out!
