Friday, November 20, 2009

Annotated Bibliography.


"Amazing Propaganda Posters." N.p., 21 Dec. 2006. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.

This site has a great selection of propaganda posters from World War II. The site shows

was messages were depicted in the posters by categorizing them and giving each poster a

short summary.

Areas, Alejandro, Diana L. Linden, and Jonathan Weinberg. The social and the real : political art of the 1930s in the western hemisphere. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. 1-2. Print.

This book is a great that takes a look art created in the 1930’s. The type of artwork presented in the book is that of social realism. Since the Great Depression hit in the 1930’s the book explains how artists’ art started to become more realistic more than anything else. It also explains how the art reflected the current economy of that time and politics of society.

Cline, Austine. "Propaganda vs. Art." Agnostic/Atheism The New York Times Company, 1 Sept. 2005. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.

This interesting article is about how propaganda and art are similar and differ. While stating how the two influence society in their own ways.

Holocaust Encyclopedia United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 4 May 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.

This site contains many articles on the history the National Socialist party, the Holocaust, and the impact it had at the time. The particular page I used for the paper was specifically about the use of propaganda to get the German people to side with Nazis in the Jewish genocide.

Friday, November 6, 2009

RJA #12b: Presentation Plan

Well I intend to just give a nice background on propaganda. I will start with a short history of propaganda. Then move onto some examples of true propaganda. From there next I will progress to modern propaganda. After I will explain who uses propaganda and why. Finally I will conclude with some examples of issues with propaganda.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #12.

RJA #12a: Progress Report
1.) So what I hae completed is my intro and and part II. Part II would be the part on background information. Where I left of was on part II. Part III was Argument, so I proceed to present the arguments for propaganda. That is pretty much where I left off.

2.) I still need to finish part III's arguments for propaganda. From there I plan to complete part IV, he counter arguments for propaganda. The counter arguments are a bit longer then the argument for. I need to explain sub-parts A, B, C, and D. From there I plan to move my opinion or the whole argument and where I stand. After that all that's let to do is the conclusion.

RJA #11b: Visual Aids.

The many type of visual I plan to use are actual pieces of political art. Now as for which ones I plan to use that is where the list comes into play.

  1. Nazi propaganda
  2. NEA Hope pictures
  3. American propaganda
  4. Modern propaganda
  5. True Approved political art

Monday, November 2, 2009

Art vs. Propaganda

Research Journal Assignment #11

RJA #11a: Introduction

" A sincere artist is not one who makes a faithful attempt to put onto canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing." (Giorgio Morandi). For many years art and its varied uses have been widely disputed. One of which is the political use of art, otherwise known as propaganda. According to, propaganda is information, ideas or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement institution, and nation. Propaganda should not be considered apart of art due to the many problems it creates. In order to properly understand how propaganda has become such a problem in the art world, one needs some background information.