Sunday, October 25, 2009

RJA #10b: Argument:
Research question> Should politics stay out of art?
Answer/Thesis/Claim> My thesis statement is: Politics should not be apart of art due to the
many problemas it creates.
Ethos> Yes the auidence would find appeals based on ethos persuasive. By sitghting and quoting
sed authority and creditble.
Pathos> Yes the auidence would find appeals based on on pathos persuasive. I would say
around the middle of paper and the climax too. I will use my passionate writting to
move the auidence.
Logos> Yes the audience would find appeals based on logos persuasive. I will explain to the
audience certain logical reasons as to why politics should stay out of art. And reason
with them as to how and why.
Research Journal Assignment #10

RJA #10a: Thesis Statement: My thesis statement is: Politics should not be apart of art due to the many problemas it creates.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

RJA #8c: Multimedia
since I could not get part B to work for me this took me nowhere as well. I will ask you what I should do next class.
RJA #8b: Social Media- To be honest I really tried to make this one work for but in the end failed pretty. I even searched five different blog searches and went to the twentieth page of all of them and usually got things like this.
Research Journal Assignment #8

RJA #8a: Websites- First Search then
  1. key words- Art, ropaganda, Political Art, and Media (both)
  2. search strings- propaganda + art, art + media, and of course art vs. propaganda (both)
  3. Date of Searches- October 10, 2009 and October 11, 2009 (both)
  4. Relavence of Hits- 2 as for 3

Sunday, October 4, 2009

RJA #7c: Field Research Plan
Well what I plan to do is go to the art history museum and take some friends. The point of this is to interview them afterward and from there take their opinions and compare them for my paper. I also plan to e-mail a old high school teacher of mine and interview him seeing as he is an artist himself.
RJA #7b: Internet Research Tool Test
2.) used my revised seach strings (i.e. art+propaganda)
3.) (I don't understand please explain)
4.) 10/6/09 and 10/08/09
5.) (again I don't understand)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Research Journal Assignment #7

RJA #7a: Internet Research Tools:
I mainly use both and as my primary internet research tools. Reason being is that they are easy to use and recieve what I want. For example if I want an article about dogs, I just type it in and BAM! dogs everywhere. But this aslo is a big draw back if I want something very specific. Because they will also give me a great amount os miscallenous garbage. Unless I type in my very specific search to they seach engines' liking. In short at times they can be very lame. Ha ha.